Appealing to children’s natural instincts to sort and collect, these durable and tactile pebbles can be used in sand and water both inside and outdoors. Each pebble is cast from a special stone and resin mix and engraved and handpainted with a numeral making then highly appealing. Perfect to encourage children’s fascination with numbers. Safe for age 2+.
YUS1010 – Number Bonds to 10 (22 pebbles) – contains two of each of the numbers 0–10.
YUS1011 – Number Pebbles Sum-Building Set (50 Pebbles) – contains two of numbers 0–20, two of operations +, – and =, one of operations x and ÷.
Correlation to Common Core: K.CC.A.1–3, K.OA.A.1–4.
Correlation to ECERS-R: Language-Reasoning – 16; 17, Activities – 23, 26.
Correlation to ITERS-R: Activities – 15, 21.
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