There is so much to the eight popular nursery rhymes that we’ve chosen for our Come Alive App which you can explore on the platform of your choosing as this app can be used on iPad, Android tablet, PC and Mac (for further details on device compatibility, please see the Apps FAQ).
The app contains all the favorite features from the original software – an engaging mix of rhythm, rhyme, song and illustration – alongside brand new content and tools, including original non-fiction content. A fantastic resource to support key language and literacy development, each nursery rhyme contains the following activities:
Sing with me
Children can follow the animated rhyme as it is sung to them and watch the entertaining animation that accompanies it.
Picture play
Explore the content of the different animations, discovering all sorts of quirky nursery rhyme secrets.
Play and learn
This section includes a range of interactive games exploring the language and numeracy learning opportunities provided by the rhymes. A further interactive game accompanies each rhyme.
Find out about
This offers a treasure trove of interactive non-fiction games and activities tailored to each rhyme. These features take the learning into a wide range of curriculum areas.
Correlation to Common Core: RL.K.2; RI.K.1, SL.K.1–2.
Correlation to ECERS-R: Language-Reasoning – 15, 16, 17; Activities – 27.
Correlation to ITERS-R: Listening and Talking – 12, Activities – 23.
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